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Do you believe in Karma? Whether, it’s yes or no… better do the right thing!
Some say karma is a universal law, though it’s mainly believed by people in the East, particularly in India. However, it’s slowly permeating the West. In fact, the concept of karma has been with us since ancient times. We’ve encountered it in various famous quotations and sayings, such as: – What goes around, comes around. […]

Memes with Powerful Words of Wisdom that could help to Change your Life.
Life change is a huge thing for most of us. We cannot simply change our lives in the blink of an eye. We need courage and effort to set things in motion. However, at the outset, we need inspirational words of wisdom. Where else can we turn but to great people whose lives have undergone […]

Simple Meditation Practice Using “I Am” Mantra
This is a simple meditation you can practice using “I Am” affirmations. It requires no intense visualization, no chanting or singing of Sanskrit words, and above all, no need to hibernate in the Himalayan cave. Yes, you can practice this meditation anywhere, at anytime. You don’t even have to call it meditation — perhaps “mindfulness” […]

Belief System Defines Your Life
Your belief system defines both your life and your views on life. Take this question: What is the meaning of Life? This question has been lingering with us since the conception of time. It is not because we haven’t come up with meanings. In fact, we have a gazillion. But rather, we haven’t come up […]

Coexistence of Creation and Evolution
When I picked up my 10-year old son from his religious class a few days ago, he wanted to ask me about God and dinosaurs. At first, I thought my son was joking. But when I saw his innocent and bewildered eyes, I realized he was serious. So, I said, “Okay, what’s the question?” My […]