Do you believe in Karma? Whether, it’s yes or no… better do the right thing!

Photo Credit: Tim Hill – via Pixabay
Some say karma is a universal law, though it’s mainly believed by people in the East, particularly in India. However, it’s slowly permeating the West.
In fact, the concept of karma has been with us since ancient times. We’ve encountered it in various famous quotations and sayings, such as:
– What goes around, comes around.
– What you sow, so shall you reap.
– Karma is a boomerang.
– Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
– You receive by giving.
– For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Remember this: Life is one. So whatever you do, it will always come back to you, either as good or bad karma. If you’ve done a good deed, grace will be on your way. In the same token, if you’ve committed wrongdoings, you will surely suffer.
It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. Karma will always prevail.
Watch this video as an example of bad karma:
Category: WISDOM