Nelson Kamdon



Nelson KamdonHello there!

Thank you for visiting and reading my blogs.

My name is Nelson Kamdon. I have a bachelor’s degree in Civil Eng… Okay… forget it…

Since at very young age, around 10 years old, I’ve been fascinated with this thing we call LIFE. My curiosity began when our parents bought a huge, colorful book about world religions, with photos of diverse people. It was a huge revelation to me. Through this book, I became acquainted not only with Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Shiva, Confucius, Moses, and others, but also with a variety of human races and traditions.

As I grew up, the book became my lens for viewing the myriad and colorful expressions of life. It greatly influenced my openness to all spectrums of beliefs and my understanding of spirituality. I became a student of several faith traditions, from East to West, thereby strengthening my devotion to God. I even left home when I was 25, traveling to a mountain I had never been to before. Equipped with few clothes, a gallon of water, and lots of spiritual books, I vowed to stay in the wild until I attained self-mastery.

To make a long story short… After a week, an inner voice interrupted my deep meditation and urged me to go back and face the world. The message was essentially, “The world is a school. Don’t shun it; learn from it.” The inner voice was very persuasive and persistent; it never stopped. It went on and on for hours, but I didn’t listen. Since I couldn’t concentrate on my meditation, I decided to read a book. To my astonishment, when I opened it, my eyes landed right on sentences that were similar to the message. So, the next morning, I headed back home. From that day on, the world has been teaching me about life.

Over the years, I learned so much that I stopped searching for the truth. I thought I had found it already—until one night in late 2007, when the inner voice returned while I was meditating. It shot an arrow of wisdom, fatally piercing my understanding of God and Life. In that very moment, everything changed

So now, I am devoted to nothing but the God within… as my true Self.

Nah… scratch that last sentence. I am simply I am.