Simple Meditation Practice Using “I Am” Mantra

Photo Credit: PIRO4D – via Pixabay
This is a simple meditation you can practice using “I Am” affirmations. It requires no intense visualization, no chanting or singing of Sanskrit words, and above all, no need to hibernate in the Himalayan cave. Yes, you can practice this meditation anywhere, at anytime. You don’t even have to call it meditation — perhaps “mindfulness” would suffice if you need a label. Or better yet, call it Self-Awareness.
Mindfulness is not a new concept; it has been practiced by many spiritual groups. You can be mindful of your thoughts, emotions, surroundings, or whatever you are doing in the present moment. Mindfulness is the antidote to a wandering mind. As always, when in a state of mindfulness, your mind doesn’t ruminate on past or future moments but is fully anchored in the Now—the present moment. Mindfulness is the key to self-awareness.
To understand this simple meditation using “I Am,” you need to grasp the twilight zone of Self-Awareness. As you may know, many of us dwell in a frantic and chaotic lifestyle, where our minds are constantly bombarded from all directions. If you are one of these individuals fully engaged in mundane affairs, it is time to slow down and stop. Take a deep breath. Be mindful of yourself and remain in a state of Self-Awareness.
You are here, right now. You feel the in-and-out of your breath and the wholeness of your body, from your head to your chest and all the way down to your feet. Yet, you recognize that you are not your body, for you animate it. You are both within and beyond your body. Without you, it is lifeless.
Then you observe your thoughts and emotions, leaping from one concept to another. But you know that you are not your thoughts or your emotions. They come and go, yet you are still here. So, you simply watch them as they slowly vanish into nothingness.
Finally, what’s left is YOU — the only real subject you can attest to with absolute certainty. You are 101% sure that you exist and bear witness to your existence. Thus, you are aware of yourself. And you are here, right now, in Self-Awareness.
The “I Am”
While you are in the mode of self-awareness, fully aware of yourself, you can now affirm who you are — I Am.
You don’t need to focus your attention on God, Light, or any deity. You don’t have to imagine yourself as a spirit engulfed in a spiritual aura. No extra imagination is needed whatsoever. Just be yourself as I Am, fully immersed in your I Am-ness.
When you cultivate this simple meditation daily, you become accustomed to Self-Awareness. The feeling of I Am-ness will then become spontaneous and automatic. That’s why, as I mentioned above, you don’t need intense visualization. The feeling of yourself as I Am is enough. In fact, it’s your natural state of awareness. So, wherever you are and whatever you do, you can practice self-awareness and internally affirm — I Am.
Obviously, the steps are quite simple.
- Mindfulness of yourself or Self-Awareness, then affirm “I Am” and feel your I Am-ness.
Now, you might be wondering, what’s the end result of this? Good life? Success? Salvation? Enlightenment?
The answer is: Nothing. (Perhaps there is, but you must find it out yourself.)
What is to gain if the I Am-ness is your natural state? You are already that. This simple meditation is just to remind you that you are the only real, and the rest are merely imaginations. In fact, everything is illusion but You. You are not this or that. You are I Am.
Indeed, I Am That I Am!
Thank you!